Public Enterprise
Public Enterprise is a double blind peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 0351-3564), (DOI:10.21571/pehyj) published by International Center for Promotion of Enterprises that aims to disseminate high quality scholarly research and add to the pool of knowledge on the subject of public enterprise by publishing theoretical and empirical academic articles in the field of governance of public enterprises. The regular issues give priority to the topics related to performance measurement, management and monitoring systems, restructuring and privatisation, corporate policy development, comparisons with the private sector and the third sector, public policy relating to the public sector, corporate social responsibility and sustainability. The Journal welcomes both theoretical and applied research materials.
Author Guidelines are available HERE.
Publication Ethics Statement is available HERE.
Public Enterprise invites submissions for research articles that explore various dimensions of public sector management, including innovations and best practices for ensuring the continuity of public services, and the impact of various challenges on public sector performance and efficiency. We also encourage submissions on international cooperation, public-private partnerships and HR development strategies in addressing contemporary issues in the domain of socio-economic development of the ICPE member states.
All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-reviewed process. The corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, must declare that the manuscript has not been previously published, has not been accepted for publication, nor is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
There is no charge for submitting a paper to the journal. International Center for Promotion of Enterprises sponsors the journal by covering the Article Processing Charge. There is no APC payable by authors.
The deadline for submission of the manuscript is 30 May 2025. Please send your manuscript to the email .
Should you require further information or clarifications about this Call for Papers, please do not hesitate to contact the Editor in chief Mr David Tavželj at .
Public Enterprise, 2024, Volume 28, No. 2
Water supply as a public enterprise: Decentralisation and corruption
Edward Horesh
University of Aberdeen, UK
Enhancing Social Intelligence in Public Enterprise Executives through Yoga: The Mediating Role of Mindfulness
Brian C. Smith
Durham University, UK
Enhancing production efficiency of public enterprises through stakeholder participation: the case of irrigation systems
Jan C. Woerword
North Western University, South Africa
Green Finance for Public Enterprises in India
R K Mishra
Independent Researcher, Former Director, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India
Priyanka Mishra
Ashoka School of Business, Hyderabad, India
Institutional Discursive Power in Federal Public Enterprises: A Framework for Evaluating State-Centre Dynamics
Clementine C. Hendricks
University of York, UK
Alys N. Jones
Bangor University, UK
Olivia Alexander
University of Lincoln, UK
Public Enterprise, 2024, Volume 28, No. 1
Public Enterprise: A Systematic Literature Review
Determinants of Cultural Intelligence of Public Enterprise Executives
Jan C. Verwoerd
North Western University, SouthAfrica
Why Public Enterprises fail to provide basic needs in developing countries: The case of rural water supply
Naresh C. Saxena
Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Integrating Slovenian enterprises into a model of IDC with UNIDO to achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Janez Rogelj
Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, Slovenia
Farsighted Leadership: Long-Term Orientation and Public Enterprise Strategy
Victoria C. M. P. Bou
University of Strathclyde, UK
Public Enterprise, 2023, Volume 27
Victoria C. M. P. Bou
Independent researcher, Australia
Carlos Gonzales
Marcos University, Perú
Naresh C. Saxena
Independent Researcher, Canada
Saran S. Singh
Independent Researcher, India
Mary C. Smith
London University, UK
Public Enterprise, 2022, Volume 26
Tashi Phuntsok
Vidyasagar College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Manoj Kumar
Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, School of Social Sciences (SSS-II), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Naresh C Saxena
Independent Researcher, Canada
Saran S Singh
Independent researcher, India
Victoria C M P Bou
Independent Researcher, Australia
Public Enterprise, 2021, Volume 25
Sushil Mohan
Brighton Business School, University of Brighton, UK
Rajan Katoch
Independent Researcher, India
Naresh C Saxena
Independent researcher, Canada
Pranav Umesh
M. S. Sai Vinod
N. Sivakumar
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Bangalore, India
Victoria C M P Bou
Independent Researcher, Australia
Tashi Phuntsok
Vidyasagar College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India
Public Enterprise, 2019, Volume 24
Ajay Chhibber
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, India
Institute of International Economic Policy, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA
Swati Gupta
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi, India
Peter K. Kresl
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, USA
Emigdio Alfaro
CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School (CCGBS), Lima, Peru Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), Lima, Peru
Febi Varghese
Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd. (KMML), Kerala, India
Vinachi Arachi Jabamala
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna, Austria
Vincent Charles
Buckingham Business School, The University of Buckingham Buckingham MK18 1EG, United Kingdom
Tatiana Gherman
Faculty of Business and Law, The University of Northampton Northampton NN1 5PH, United Kingdom
Juan Carlos Paliza
WeMind, Lima, Peru

This Special Issue of Public Enterprise on Public Sector Productivity and Competitiveness includes five research articles by authors from Austria, India, Peru, the United Kingdom and the United States. The topics addressed in this issue relate to disinvestment (privatization), performance contracts, public sector restructuring, and public reform; city planning, urban economics, and urban competitiveness; sustainable land management and national competitiveness; productivity, market competitiveness, and strategic management; and public sector productivity measurement.
Public Enterprise, 2017, Volume 23
N. R. Parasuraman
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD)
Mysore, India
Ullas Rao
Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sujit G. Metre, Muktai M. Chavan
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies and Research, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Emigdio Alfaro
CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School, PUCP, Lima, Peru
K. R. Suprabha
School of Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India
Krishna Prasad
Justice K S Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte, India
School of Management, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India
N. Sivakumar
Department of Management and Commerce, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,
Brindavan Campus, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

This Special Issue on Service Innovation and Service Quality in the Public Sector of Public Enterprise Journal includes five research articles by authors from India, Peru, and the United Arab Emirates. It spans a spectrum of research areas such as private and government hospitals; hospitality sector and tourism; private equity innovation management and innovation standards; valuation, and investment; and human values-based service quality and innovation.
Public Enterprise, 2016, Volume 22
Peter K. Kresl
Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, USA
Guillermo Diaz
CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru
Sarbjit Singh, Rahul Arora, and Somesh K. Mathur
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), Kanpur, India
Beng Kai, and Vincent Kwan Wen Seng
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Republic of Singapore
N.R. Parasuraman and Ullas Rao
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD), Mysore, India
Istaqbal Mehdi
Al-Aman Holding (Pvt) Ltd, Islamabad, Pakistan
Vincent Charles *
CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru
Claudia Peretto
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
Tatiana Gherman
School of Business and Economics
Loughborough University, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

This Special Issue on Public Enterprise Performance Benchmarking of Public Enterprise Journal includes seven research articles by authors from Argentina, India, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, the UK, and USA. It spans a spectrum of research areas such as national competitiveness and economic growth, efficiency of public water companies, international trade, travel and tourism industry, operating and financial leverage and the systematic risk of enterprises, performance evaluation systems and operational efficiency,and efficiency of public banks.
Public Enterprise, 2014, Volume 21
The thematic issue of the ICPE Public Enterprise Journal entitled “Implementing Economic Diplomacy and Internationalization” contains the proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Economic Diplomacy and Internationalization organized by ICPE in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. The conference was held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 2-3 June 2014.
The publication offers a wide range of approaches to economic diplomacy and internationalization implemented in various geographical and economic contexts and at the same time focusing both on practical as well as theoretical aspects.
The authors of the articles in this volume are high profile experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and foreign national institutions, representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, business and academia.
Public Enterprise, 2014, Volume 20
The thematic issue of the ICPE Public Enterprise Journal bearing the title »Integrated Management of Protected Areas« has been recently published in cooperation with the Association of Nature Parks of the Republic of Slovenia.
The publication offers a comprehensive background documentation for assisting ICPE member countries and interested partners in their efforts to find and develop adequate solutions for the establishment and integrated management of protected nature areas, as a tool for protecting and safeguarding biotic diversity and for ensuring that economic growth goes hand in hand with the need to protect and restore valuable natural heritage.
Public Enterprise, 2013, Volume 19
The thematic issue of the ICPE Public Enterprise Journal bearing the title “Economic Diplomacy and Internationalization – Practice and Theory” contains the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Diplomacy and Internationalization organized by ICPE which was held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 17-18 June 2013.
The authors of the articles in this volume are high profile experts from Slovenia and foreign national institutions, representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, business and academia who shared their vast knowledge, expertise and insights regarding economic diplomacy and facing internationalization.
Public Enterprise, 2011, Volume 18
The papers contained in the thematic issue of the ICPE Public Enterprise Journal “Models of the State Ownership Function Organization” are based on the selected presentations delivered during the High Level Meeting of the State Ownership Authorities “State as an owner – ownership policy, execution of state interests and fostering of public-private dialogue” that was organized by ICPE in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 5-6 September 2011.
The articles of high-profile experts from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe and international organizations present different models of organization of the state ownership function and different philosophies regarding the role of public sector enterprises in the national economy.
Public Enterprise, 2010, Volume 17
The thematic edition of the ICPE Public Enterprise Journal is comprised of the proceedings of the international expert meeting “Future Challenges of Public Sector Enterprises” organized by ICPE on 8 November 2010 in Ljubljana (Slovenia).
The contributions of authors from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, as well as international organizations representatives offer an insight into the future challenges of public sector enterprises.
The articles tackle the importance of the public-private dialogue for overcoming the difficulties raising from the economic, public and political nature of PSE activities, analyze the PSE corporate governance and social responsibility policy frameworks aiming to identify best PSE practices as benchmarks for evaluation and the positioning of public sector enterprises as one of the tools leading to global welfare and human development improvement in the new economic and social framework.
Older issues
Other ICPE Publications as well as older issues of the Journal are available at the ICPE Headquarters. For more information please contact us:
Open Access Policy
Public Enterprise is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that all published content is freely accessible to a global audience immediately upon release. This approach fosters the broad dissemination of knowledge and supports the academic community’s commitment to sharing research without barriers.
The Public Enterprise journal is licensed under CC BY 4.0